Our Services
Tests aren't everything but an important supplement.
nationwide in Sweden

We utilize testing tools so that, based on research and scientific studies, we can be objective in our endeavor to find candidates who are willing and capable of developing with you. They are also a relevant way to assess the composition of, for example, a management team.

A personality test doesn’t reveal everything but serves as a valuable complement to other parts of the recruitment process.

These tests provide scientific information to support decision-making and enhance objectivity in recruitment. Work psychology tests offer employers detailed insights into a candidate’s work style and problem-solving abilities, contributing to a more holistic understanding of applicants.

The key is to test competencies based on strategy and goals. What’s important is to match insights into the candidate’s expected tasks and goals against their competencies. We have extensive experience with these types of tests, as well as conducting thorough and comprehensive analyses of what drives profitability in your organization and what needs testing.

At Rubino, we have vast experience with Masters tests and are certified in them. Masters work psychology tests comply with the regulations/requirements established within the European Union regarding work psychology.